
Abbreviations in the study of Indian History

Following are some useful abbreviations in History, these abbreviations frequently used while studying Indian History

a.                     Anna

AD                  Anno Domini

asc.                  ascend or ascent

ASI                  Archaeological Survey of India

B.                    Bungalow

B.A.                 Bachelor of Arts

BC                   Before Christ

BCE                Before Common Era

CE                   Common Era

ch.                   Chowry

Cr. or cr.          for cross

D.L.B.             District Local Boards

Dept.               Department

des.                  Deserted

dew.                Dewusthan

dh.                   Dhurmsala

Dr.                   Doctor

ed.                   Edition

Ed.                   Editor

EIC                  East India Company

ex.                   Example

f.                      furlong

G.I.P.R.           Great Indian Peninsular Railway

h.                     houses

IB                    Inspection Bungalow

ICHR               Indian Council of Historical Research

ICSSR             Indian Council of Social Science Research

JRF                  Junior Research Fellowship

 K.                   Kusba or Market town

l.                      left

M & S.M.R.    Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway

M.A.                Master of Arts

M.Phil.            Master of Philosophy

N.                    Nulla

n.d.                  No Date

n.p.                  No page numbers

NET                National Eligibility Test

p.                     paisa

P. or D.            Pergunna or district

p.                     page

Para.                Paragraph

Ph.D.               Doctor of Philosophy

PI                     Principal Investigator

PO.                  Post Office

pp.                   page range

r.                      right

R.                    River

r. b.                  right bank

Rly.                 Railway

s.                     shops

s. v.                 small village

S.M.R.             Southern Mahratta Railway

SET                 State Eligibility Test

SRF                 Senior Research Fellowship

t. or ts.             tank or tanks

UGC                University Grants Commission

Vol.                 Volume

Vols.               volumes

w. or ws.         Well or wells