Anniversaries People

This page contains list of Birth and Death anniversaries of some/few Historical personalities.

Knowing the life span of historical person can give valuable insights into the socio-political environment in which that person lived in. Understanding the significance in the period in which the lived and the understanding the importance of life expectancy is crucial in history, there are people who may achieve height of success in their 20s like Alexander or Chandragupta Maurya and some may achieve their best in 60s like Sher Shah Sur.

            It is significant to understand the period in which the historical person lived and to get an idea about the surrounding conditions that the person attempted to alter. For example, in 17th century, Mughal were at peak of their power but at the same time, Mahratta country experienced the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Chhatrapati Sambhaji and Chhatrapati Rajaram, these Kings able to form their independent State and managed to expand even after having long struggle with Mughals. So, the Birth and Death anniversaries of Historical personalities could give vital perspective in understanding the History.