Career in History

Scope and Approaches

I think, career with History subject requires knowledge of History subject with applied approach and adaptability towards new technologies to improve the understanding as well as presentation of the subject.

Following are some of the paths, we may walk upon to explore the possibilities for career opportunities available with History subject :

Scope of Career in History


History is one of the core subjects in our educational system. Offered from school to post-doctoral level and suitable for further research as well. Hence the scope for teaching History is wide and multi-levelled. I think this occupational profile require concerned level subject expertise and communication skills.


Role of Historian is crucial for an individual and institution, at the same time it is vital for society and country in its extensive perspective. Scope of the historian could be everything in human experience. Hence, it demands critical thinking and analytical approach with adequate writing skills.

Civil Services:

Central and State governments in India, conducts various exams for recruiting people to perform numerous roles for the smooth functioning of the State. Graduation with History as Major Subject enable candidate to have better grasp on Human interaction at multiple level i.e., political, economic, social, cultural, religious, etc. Understanding human nature through History equipped the upcoming Civil Servants to understand the questions of people and respond them in suitable and required manner.

Tour Guide:

Major proportion of tourism consist of visit to a Historical place or monument, it is significant aspect of travellers ‘to visit’ list. Tour guide, apart from facilitating material requirement to tourist, also require the information and presentation skills to convey the value of tourist destination in terms of diversified Heritage of the place.


This is multi-layered profession for History students as the function of writing could be performed as article, column, booklets, books, textbooks, and e-content. For this role understanding requirements of people and convincing writing skills are foundational.


Making short informative videos regarding history. In this role person needs to perform multitasking as a scriptwriter, handling of the camera, selection of topic and location, editing, sounds. This occupation simultaneously requires technological & History knowledge. I think this activity could be done collectively by the 4-5 people, experts in related fields.


Students may pursue master’s degree in Archaeology after their graduation in History as it is complementary to each other. I think this occupation demands readiness to be on fields for different archaeology related activity. Apart from intelligence in subject, it require patience.

Assistant Professor:

Basic qualification require for this role is M.A. History with SET and NET exam qualified. In this role, person is eligible to teach undergraduate and postgraduate History students. At the same time continues his/her further studies and research in History.