Types of History

Types of History

This flow chart indicates some types/branches of History, these are inter-related in nature.

Following description of each type/branch is introductory in nature: –

  • Economic: – it deals with all kinds of exchange took place. Markets, currencies, means of production and allied factors
  • Places: – history of particular place i.e., city, fort, port or region
  • Architecture: – different styles of construction and their course of development, synthesis of various architectural pattern
  • Religious: – religious ideas, institutions, literature and its interaction with individual and society as a whole
  • Social: – nature of human relations among themselves and their causes and effects
  • Food: – development of different cuisines and their nature of cultural and regional variations
  • Gender: – role of gender in various levels of human interaction
  • Person: – role of a person in shaping course of History like Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln
  • Cultural: – analysis of different customs and traditions that are developed over the period of time at particular place or among specific section of Society
  • Legal: – development of various laws and their causation
  • Linguistics: – significance of language and its role in different aspects of human life
  • Time Periods: – study of particular time periods in history like Bronze Age, Iron Age or digital age and Ancient, Medieval, or Modern
  • Military: – understanding wars, development of various armaments, different battle plans or tactics, etc.
  • Diplomacy: – history of diplomatic relations among States
  • Environmental: – environment and its role in and on Human activity
  • Medical: – History of Medicines, diseases, epidemics or pandemics and related things like our societal and administrative response to them
  • Administrative: – administrative structures, their evolutions and modifications, and its nature of operations
  • Archaeology: – study of history from material remains
  • Technology: – role of technology in shaping course of history
  • Political: – history of political ideologies and Institutions
  • Art: – history of art forms like music, painting, dance, etc.
  • Science: – history of scientific thought development, its causation and nature
  • Intellectual: – history of ideas and thought processes
  • Urban: – emergence of urban centers and their causes, effects and nature
  • Clothing: – history of clothing its role, significance and nature