
This page contains preliminary information regarding writing/preparing of footnotes, bibliography, research paper and research proposal. Students should consult their professors and experts in concerned subjects while preparing following topics.


Name of author(s) begin with surname, (Ed. If applicable), name of the book, vol. number (if applicable), ed. Number (if applicable), name of publication, place of publication, year of publication, p. (for page number) and pp. (for multiple pages or page range).

From second time onwards we can use short version

Name of author(s) begin with surname, (Ed. If applicable), name of the book, p. (for page number) and pp. (for multiple pages or page range).


Ramchandran R., Urbanization and Urban Systems in India, Oxford India Paperbacks, New Delhi, 1991, p. 1.


Name of author(s) begin with surname, (Ed. If applicable), name of the book, vol. (number if applicable), ed. Number (if applicable), name of publication, place of publication, year of publication.


Ramchandran R., Urbanization and Urban Systems in India, Oxford India Paperbacks, New Delhi, 1991.

Research Paper

Following seven points are important in research paper writing:

Title of research paper: it should be precise and clear in indicating subject matter

Abstract: it provides direction that you are going towards in your full paper, aspects that are covered in paper. It is generally of 200-300 words.

Keywords: pivotal words, terminologies and significant ideas represented in words that you are going to discussed in full paper.

Introduction: in this section you introduce readers to the topic in a kind of over view, some times you may give background or progress of your concerned topic over the period of time. Aspects that you think are corelated, interdependent, and served as a causation.

Main content of paper: this is specific to your core concern of research paper here one may include statistics, figures, and other empirical data in support of your arguments. If you have done any surveys through interviews or questionnaires, their analysis could be brought in this section.

Conclusion: concluding remarks, this is kind of synthesis of existing information, collected sources, newly discovered information, application of your insights about topic and findings.

References: sources referred while preparing research paper

Research Proposal

Following thirteen points could be useful in preparing research proposal in History:

Introduction: this is opening section of your proposal; hence it should give clear indication of aspects that are going to be the central in your research.

Research Problem: core concern of research topic and causation/interrelation that you are going to analyze in research work.

Rational and Significance of Subject/topic: kind of justification of research topic and necessity for undertaking research in proposed topic must be highlighted.

Survey of Previous work done: in this section research student/scholar may present an overview by citing previous works related to proposed research topic. So, distinctions could be made between previous works and his/her proposed topic.

Aims and Objectives: what are the aims and objectives of researcher in undertaking said topic or what he/she want to accomplish by doing research in proposed topic. This section could be mixture of bullet points and paragraphs.

Research Questions: in this section researcher pose questions to proposed research topic that are not yet asked and attempts to indicate course of research.

Hypothesis: this projects researcher’s ideas about topic and proposed theory or analysis which could be researched. In this section certain assumptions are made about proposed topic and finding answers to them in course of research.

Research design: here researcher gives tentative time framework for research i.e., data collection, site visits, archival works, library visits, data analysis, and writing of thesis, time required for respective stages/aspects of research.

Research methodology: for history students archival work, library work, oral method, site visits are considered as important methods.

Contribution of research work: assumed contribution that proposed research topic going to made towards subject and society (is it going to alter/modify perspective).

Scope and limitation: in this section nature of research topic in its analytical perspective and territorial and time frame for proposed research topic could be set.

Chapter wise Research plan:  researcher may give tentative chapter scheme for proposed research topic. 

References: preliminary list of references and possible sources that could facilitate research.