Badshah Akbar

Following timeline covers some/few events from the life of Badshah Akbar.

Note: – Dates are written in DD.MM.YYYY or Month/YYYY or YYYY format.

15.10.1542Birth of Akbar at Amarkot in Rajput
house of Rana Virsal
1543 to 1545Captive at Kabul in Kamaran’s (Uncle)
servant quarters
November 1551Governor of Ghazni
1555Governor of Punjab and heir to the
1556Hem Chandra acquired control over
February 1556Akbar coronated as emperor
02.11.1556Second battle of Panipat, Akbar’s
Victory over Hem Chandra
1556 to 1560Bairam Khan Control affairs of State
1557Control over Ajmer
1557-58Control over Gwalior
1559-60Control over Jaunpur
27.03.1560Akbar enter in Delhi as the Sovereign
31.01.1561Death of Bairam Khan
1561Control over Malwa
January 1562Amber State submitted to Akbar
March 1562Merta brought under Mughals
15.03.1564Abolition of Jiziya Tax
1564Control over Gondwana after defeating Rani Durgawati
20.10.1567siege of Chittor Fort began
23.02.1568Control over Chittor fort
18.03.1569Ranthambhor brought under Mughals
August 1569Kalinjar Fort (Bundelkhand) brought
under Mughals
30.08.1569Birth of Salim (Jahangir)
1570Implementation of Mansabdari System
in administration
November 1570Control Over Jodhpur and Bikaner
December 1570Jaisalmer brought under Mughals
December 1572Control over Gujrat
August 1574Conquest of Bihar
1575Beginning of Ibadat Khana
1575-76Control over Bengal
18.06.1576Battle of Haldi-Ghati, Mughal victory
against Rana’s forces
22.06.1579Akbar read Khutba in his own name
1582Implementation of Dahasala Revenue
system and
Beginning of Din-I-Ilahi
July 1585Kabul brought under direct control of
1585-86Control over Kashmir
1591Control over Sind
1592Conquest of Orissa
1595Control over Baluchistan
December 1595
February 1596
Siege of Ahmednagar Fort, Peace
treaty with Ahmednagar
1599Death of Murad (Son)
19.08.1600Control over Ahmednagar Fort
February 1600
Siege of Asirgad, Victory of Akbar over Asirgad
19.08.1602Murder of Abul Fazal
April 1604Death of Daniyal (Son)
1604Death of Hamida Banu Begam (Mother)
25.10.1605Death of Akbar, buried at Sikandra,

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