Mahatma Gandhi

Following timeline covers some/few events from the life of Mahatma Gandhi.

Note: – Dates are written in DD.MM.YYYY or Month/YYYY or YYYY format.

02.10.1869Birth at Porbunder
1876formal education began at Rajkot
1883Marriage with Kasturba
04.09.1888went to London for the study of Law
12.01.1891law examination passed
24.05.1892arrival in Bombay to practice law
April 1893went to South Africa
June 1893at railway station Gandhiji
were not allowed to
traveled by first class even after
having ticket for the same
22.08.1894beginning of Natal Indian Congress
to fight against
color discrimination in South Africa
17.10.1899joined Ambulance Corps during
Boer War
1899 to 1902In India
27.12.1901resolution on South Africa at
Calcutta session of Congress
1904founded Phenix settlement in
South Africa
1909Wrote Hind Swaraj book
09.01.1915arrival in India
25.05.1915beginning of Satyagraha Ashram
at Ahmadabad
April 1917Champaran Satyagraha
1918Ahmedabad Mill workers Satyagraha,
and Kheda Satyagraha
08.10.1919Young India First Issue published
1920-21Non-cooperation and
Khilafat Movement
05.02.1922Chauri Chaura incident and called off
Non-Cooperation movement
1922 to 1924In Yeravda Jail, Pune
December 1924Presided over Belgaum session of
Indian national Congress
1927Wrote an autobiography the
story of my
experiment with truth
December 1929Complete Independence
resolution were
adopted at Lahore session of Congress
February 1930Congress adopted Civil Disobedience
Movement Programme
12.03.1930Beginning of Dandi March to
break Salt Law
in jail at Yeravda, Pune
05.03.1931Gandhi-Irwin pact
1931Round Table Conference at London
24.09.1932Poona Pact, Between
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and
Mahatma Gandhi
1934resign from Congress
1936Started Sevagram Ashram at Wardha
1937Wardha Scheme of Education
15.10.1940Beginning of Anti-war Satyagraha with Vinoba Bhave
08.08.1942Quite India resolution
adopted by congress
In Jail at Agakhan palace, Pune
1944Gandhi Jinnha Talks Failed
March 1945Cabinet Mission
1945Shimla Conference
15.08.1947fasted at Calcutta because of
India’s partition
30.01.1948assassinated at Birla House

References and Further reading: –